Introduction to Welding Head of Laser External Light Path 1

Laser welding system: The optical path design of the laser welding system mainly consists of an internal optical path (inside the laser) and an external optical path:

The design of the internal light path has stricter standards, and generally there will be no problems on site, mainly the external light path;

The external optical path mainly consists of several parts: transmission fiber, QBH head, and welding head;

External optical path transmission path: laser, transmission fiber, QBH head, welding head, spatial optical path, material surface;

The most common and frequently maintained component among them is the welding head. Therefore, this article summarizes the common welding head structures to facilitate laser industry engineers to understand their principle structure and better understand the welding process.

Laser QBH head is an optical component used for applications such as laser cutting and welding. The QBH head is mainly used to export laser beams from optical fibers into welding heads. The end face of the QBH head is a relatively easy to damage external optical path device, mainly composed of optical coatings and quartz blocks. The quartz blocks are prone to breakage caused by collisions, and the end face coating has white spots (high anti burn loss coating) and black spots (dust, stain sintering). Coating damage will block the laser output, increase laser transmission loss, and also lead to uneven distribution of laser spot energy, affecting the welding effect.

Laser collimation focusing welding joint is the most critical component of the external optical path. This type of welding joint usually includes collimating lens and focusing lens. The function of collimating lens is to convert the divergent light transmitted from the fiber into parallel light, and the function of focusing lens is to focus and weld the parallel light.

According to the structure of the collimating focusing head, it can be divided into four categories. The first category is pure collimating focusing without any additional components such as CCD; The following three types all include CCD for trajectory calibration or welding monitoring, which are more common. Then, structural selection and design will be considered based on different application scenarios, taking into account spatial physical interference. So in summary, apart from special structures, the appearance is mostly based on the third type, which is used in conjunction with CCD. The structure will not have a special impact on the welding process, mainly considering the issue of on-site mechanical structure interference. Then there will be differences in the straight blowing head, usually based on the application scenario. Some will also simulate the household airflow field, and special designs will be made for the straight blowing head to ensure the household airflow effect.

Post time: Mar-22-2024